We are progressing towards a Zero Waste event with a target of 80% diversion from landfill and we need your help to make it happen. Here’s what we are up to to make the street festival more sustainable for the environment.
Compostable Packaging
All participating street food stalls serve meals in compostable packaging. Please put your waste in the correct bin at one of the clearly marked bin stations.
Plastic Bag Free CubaDupa
All our retail stores at CubaDupa are plastic bag free and will only be serving in reusable bags. Bring your own reusable bag to put all your CubaDupa goodies in or buy one of our special CubaDupa tote bags from our kiosk.
Waste Stations
There are around 32 bin stations located throughout the CubaDupa site, totalling 128 bins. Each station has 4 bins to put general waste, glass, plastics/cans and organics (including your compostable packaging). All bin stations are clearly marked with examples of the types of waste to go in what bin.